Stories Of My Life, Played By Other People
A while ago Tim Honnef found a passport photo on the streets of Amsterdam. The passport photo lay next to a box. The box contained a dozen of the same passport photos and a lot of personal belongings. Some photographs, some cds and cassettes and a few notebooks. One of them immediately grabbed his attention: The words ”Poetry Diary” were written on the front.
The box (had?) belonged to a girl named Amanda.
This story is about her.
Stories Of My Life, Played by Other People was Tim Honnef’s first international solo show and an Edinburgh Festival Fringe 2014 premiere.
”This is a most unusual piece indeed (….) So we are plunged into the romantically-neurotic world of Tim Honnef, a Dutch with an excellent command of the nuances of the English language, whose poetry is of a fine level & whose dramatic bent is of a top notch.”